Fill To Capacity (Where Heart, Grit and Irreverent Humor Collide)

Cosmic High-Fives: Coincidence & Synchronicity

Pat Benincasa Episode 84

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Ever had a day when the universe seemed to be playing cosmic peek-a-boo? Buckle up, buttercup! Sophia Demas is here to spill the celestial tea on those "no way!" moments that are actually the universe's way of saying, "Psst, over here!"

Sophia reveals how problem-solving, and spirituality link her diverse experiences - from her architectural work with Buckminster Fuller to high-end fashion and then counseling incarcerated women.

Synchronicity reveals how coincidences serve as spiritual guides, pointing us towards meaning and purpose- and  why your gut feelings might be more reliable than your Google calendar.

WARNING: Side effects may include sudden bursts of gratitude, an irresistible urge to help others, and the sneaking suspicion that you're more powerful than you ever imagined. Tune in. Open up. Your next life-changing coincidence might be just one listen away.

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Hi, I'm Pat Benincasa, and welcome back to Fill To Capacity. Today, Episode # 84, “Cosmic High-Fives: Coincidence and Synchronicity.” Today, I am delighted to welcome Sophia Demas. I mean, talk about a diverse resume, career in Architecture, high end fashion, a master's degree in counseling, and worked with incarcerated women, and as a counselor in an in-house residential facility for women.

Listeners, it's like she's lived several lives all in one. And as an architect, She worked with Buckminster Fuller and became friends of the family. Okay. Now, wait a minute. There's still more She wrote two books “Consciousness Beyond Death: True Stories of Signs, Messages and Timing,” and by the way listeners, I read it and it was fascinating. And the other book “The Divine Language of Coincidence: How Miracles Transformed My Life After I Began Paying Attention.”

And that book was awarded a 2021 Reader Favorite Gold Award. Now, Sophia talks about a turning point. That moment when she goes from skeptic to full on believer. And the power of coincidence, her take on spirituality, intuition, and the mysteries of life after death. It's striking a chord, not just with audiences, but with scientists today, we're diving into how she turned an open mind into a rich spiritual life.

The lessons she learned from her incredible mentors, and what it truly means to live a life guided by a higher purpose. Welcome, Sophia Demas. 

Oh, thank you so much for having me Pat. 

Well, after reading your book, I'm just delighted that you're here. Sophia, your life is full of these amazing twists and turns, almost like a cosmic scavenger hunt.

What was the first moment when you realized these coincidences weren't just random, but part of something bigger? 

It was when I was 19, and I was going through these two issues that I felt were unsolvable. They were like existential angst, like every 19-year-old, but I just didn't know how to navigate my life with these obstacles in front of me.

So, the one was so far, I had bought my mother's law of no sex until marriage. And it just wasn't working out for me that much. And the other thing was that I thought I was a really nice person. And every so often there would be somebody who just didn't like me. And I just didn't understand, like, why would this person not like me?

And I was just angsting and there was somebody at that moment that was filling that role. I just, I didn't know how to solve these things. So I meet this guy, I was 19, he was 27, and he was getting his PhD in, I don't know, universal theory or whatever, and I was just mesmerized. And then I have this dream, and I write about all of this in the first book, which is basically a memoir.

But the beginning of the dream, I am on stage, and I am in wedding attire, okay, and I'm in a plexiglass booth, but there's no groom, because I really didn't like the idea of marriage at the time . I couldn't believe how many people were there to see me. And so progression of events happened.

And at the end, I'm watching this stream of people come by me. Like it was the reception line. Most of the people just passed without looking at me. Every so often, somebody would just turn and look, and only two people turned, looked, and smiled. And those were my best friend and a trusted family friend.

And so, it was this angst, well, are they going to pass me? Are they going to turn? And then I look down and I'm wearing the wedding dress, but I'm in a coffin. I just woke up in a complete horror that this was a omen of my impending death. Well, am I going to get hit by a truck?

So, what happened is I got up and I went to this man's house. It was like 1:30 in the morning. And he said to me, no, this has nothing to do with your physical death. He said, there are just simply things that are dead that no longer work for you and it's making room for the new. And then he read me poetry.

He had written about me, about my sexuality and. I knew that was the guy, you know, and it, it happened the week later. So, after that, I never cared what anybody thought of me. It freed up my life. So intensely, and it wasn't lost on me. It was this sort of affair lasted maybe four months. I mean, I'm a party girl.

You know, you can only talk about, , blah, blah, blah for so long. It just wasn't working. He appeared and he disappeared. And I'm like, how did that happen? I was transformed. I entered womanhood in the most. incredible way. So that's, I would think, when I started to pay attention. 

Now, you've had three totally distinct careers.

You worked alongside Buckminster Fuller, and you went deep into all kinds of spiritual practices. What's kept you so open to these very different paths? 

Okay, I must say that even though the careers were diverse, what they do have in common, each career helped me focus on problem solving. Like when I was in architecture school, all I wanted to do was design a beautiful building.

That's all I wanted to do. But working with Buckminster Fuller, I learned that There were issues that needed to be solved, but then it got so far from beauty. My last stint in architecture was designing, biotech laboratories as far from beauty you as you can get. And so, when I went into designing dresses, evening clothes, I thought, ah, designing beautiful dresses for beautiful women.

Well, that got old fast because you can put on a back on a beautiful woman. She's still beautiful, right? So it was the problem figure. So, I had two great assistants, and we produce 30 amazingly luxurious evening gowns, maternity gowns that we rented out. And so, these women could feel sexy and then pay, just a nominal fee of what they would, if they bought the dress that they would not wear again.

That put me on the national, stage. And then I produced a line for like really large women. And then what happened is I observed some of my. Beautiful, filthy, rich women were miserable. Large women were just like living the life and just being so self-confident. I go, what is wrong with this picture?

What I found was that it was low self-esteem. That is what propelled me to go back to school and get my master's in counseling psychology. And then I designed this program, Living A Fearless Life, 12 workshops to enhance. Self-esteem in incarcerated women. So it was piloted in the Philadelphia prison system. 

The commissioner loved this program, but the board wouldn't give me the money, 32 men and 2 women. I got funding and I did it for a lot of groups of women at risk. 

So now my employer is the Salvation Army and I'm the in-house counselor for ex-trafficked women. And I'll tell you, it is a whirlpool of trauma, but you know, I just sit here and I go, it's just not fair.

The stories I get are unbelievable. What one human does to another, why did I have the loving parents and the cheery childhood? So, I feel obligated to help. 

Yeah, but you know, at the core of your stories, there's a hunger in you that wants more than what is. 

Pat, we have one shot at this life, okay?

So why yearn for something and go, Oh, I wish I could do that. and not do it. So I just started acting classes. I mean, it was like my husband, I guess I'm just kind of clicked in or something. I remember when I turned 60, my husband said, what do you want to do for your 60th birthday? And all of a sudden, I see myself on the death bed.

And I'm moaning, I'm dying, and I never saw the pyramids. And I said, Frank, we've got to go see some stuff. So we, it ended up being a two month pilgrimage. And I did it. I walked where Jesus walked. I went in India, where Buddha got enlightened under the tree. The Wailing Wall, the Muslim, Mecca? Yeah.

I'm just covered. It was just incredible. So, I would just advise, if I can, your listenership to just do it. Take action.

For me, there's only one question that I'm accountable to, and that is, did my being here make a difference? That's the only question I care about, quite honestly. And you're saying the same thing.

 It was a journey though. 

And then I found my, that was my true purpose is helping others. It just isn't fair that I got everything handed to me. 

Now I want to do a reverse here. You speak of coincidences as divine communication. Can you share a time when all the signs pointed one way and you just said, no, I'm not going to do it.

I'm not going to do it. Tell us about a time you resisted the signs and what finally changed your mind.

Okay, I will tell you that, because I would go along with it, because it's when you know it's bigger than you. So, you take action. I would say, but still, I received divine guidance. 

Okay, we're going on our honeymoon. We're going to Mexico. We have this place reserved between Huatulco and a resort town that my friend's friend ran this resort in this place. In the middle of this place was a resort town. On a hill were 9 adobe huts, and it was run by this cordon bleu chef. So, you had your hut and then you had these incredible meals and you, this gorgeous view of the ocean and okay, that was our honeymoon. 

And I was told that you don't need a passport to get into Mexico. You can go in with your driver's license. And so we get to the airport and the guy says, Your passport, please. And I said, you don't have to have a passport to get into Mexico. And he says, you're right, but you need one to get back into the States.

So now we ran back. I could get my birth certificate and we missed our plane. And I was in this deep funk. I just couldn't believe that this is happening. And all of a sudden Frank says, look, let's get on the next plane. We have dinner in Mexico city. And then we get on the plane the next day.

Great. So we found this wonderful hotel, just like steeped into the 60s. And, we had this incredible meal and the next day we go to get on the plane. Well, the guy says, Oh, I'm sorry. The last plane to Huatulco just took off. There's no more planes because there's a hurricane. And I'm like, I'm sorry, but this is my honeymoon.

I don't care. I'm going to Mexico. Go over there. In 20 minutes, there's a plane leaving for Puerto Escondido. This is where the resort was. So, we get to Puerto Escondido. And I remember we're having lunch. The palm trees were kind of like horizontal. And we're sitting. under this sort of hatched roof, we're having this soup and I knew something was wrong with part of the hatched roof came into my soup.

And I see the help is scurrying. And I said to the waitress, can we order something? I could tell something was happening. And she said, I'm sorry, we're closing the kitchen. The chef is just making things for us. I said, we'll take two of whatever they're making for you. 

And we had wine in the suitcase , from our wedding. So we go, it was just horrible. We wake up, we later found out that 450 people had died in the region. 

Oh no. 

 It was horrific. This was in 1997. So we tried to go to this place. And the roads are blocked, and we can't go. It's like obstacle after obstacle. 

You don't have your passport. You missed the plane. You blah, blah, blah. 4 days later, they cleared the roads. And we went and visited there, and all but 2 of the huts had gone down the mudslide. There were seven people that were sleeping in one hut. Answers your question, I believe. 

Yeah, you know, you must be stubborn for the universe to keep sending you obstacles, blockades, saying, Sophia, no!

I can't tell you how many times, like how many Mr. Wonderfuls I'm like, oh, I'm so in love with this guy. And then it wouldn't work out. And then the next guy, and I'm like, God, why are you doing this to me? Well, some of them died, some of them went to prison, some of them went crazy.

There was always a reason. And I feel this. ongoing protection. Yeah. And somebody asked me recently, I was on a podcast and they said, everybody has a coincidence story or a miracle story. Why do you think you have had so many? And I thought about it and I'm crediting my mother. She was extremely religious, but she was one of these people that her spirituality grew from her religion.

I mean, It wasn't just like doing the rituals or whatever. She was truly locked in, never pushed it on me. So Greek is my first language. Any word in Greek can be made into the diminutive. You can have Jesus, but then there's the little Jesus, Virgin Mary, and then there's the little Virgin Mary. And she would say, if you ever want something, you just ask the Lord, little baby Jesus. He loves children. And if you're scared and you feel you need protection, you ask the Virgin Mary. So, she presented them as kind of my friends rather than somebody to worship. And so, I figured out that from a very young age, I found that talking to unseen beings was perfectly normal.

I think that somehow there's this co-creation that happens between me, but I need to take action so that, see, that was the key for me because the last thing I wanted to do was write a book. The idea was unsavory as was marriage. I did not want children and this divine intelligence that I believe knows better than us what's best for us had other plans. 

I have free will free and I get to practice my free will. I was successfully single until I was 45. In 2011, one of my hunter's Father Steven, who I would have coffee with, so every 2 months until he retired and moved to Florida, and he's the closest thing to Jesus on this earth. He not only is an orthodox priest, but he also has opened up all the Covenant Houses here, which are shelters for homeless youth.

You know, a girl I told you that landed in the shelter here in Atlantic City from Turkey and I said, yeah, and he says, well, I'm going to go take her to get her cap and gown. She was graduating from high school. Can I bring her over? And I said, sure. So, he brings over this beautiful girl. And you ask.

What brought you to the United States? And she tells me, and then I asked something else, and she tells me and I'm like, huh, and Father Steven goes, I have an errand to run. I'm going to see you back here in an hour and 15 minutes. Well, he knew exactly what he was doing. story of abuse of on every level and re-abuse of abandonment and re- abandonment on every level.

So anyway, I fell in love with her and we adopted her. 

Now I'm going to stop you there because that was my next question. You and your husband adopted this teenage girl from a homeless shelter. How did it transform your views on motherhood? 

Mother's Day became my new favorite holiday. It was wonderful. 

I didn't have to go through all the, diapers or anything, it was just a blessing. The trauma, what we call complex trauma when you are re traumatized, there were issues. She cut us off for 3 years, called us pretend parents. But I figured it out. It was like, I'm gonna abandon you before you abandon me.


She would appear every so often, a happy birthday, and I would say, I'm here for you. That's all I would say. I'm here for you. And she got excellent therapy. Plus, she married fantastic guy. I kiss the ground he walks on. And she has emerged the healthiest, most wonderful person. She has 3 masters. 

She has this incredible relationship, incredible job. We have the most incredible relationship. They're both coming for Thanksgiving. And The last thing I wanted to do was write a book, and I wrote two books, so thank God that I kept the door to my mind's eye. Just ajar enough for the Holy Spirit to fly in and do its job.

What's interesting, too, is that you were raised in a happy family. You had the joys of family, the trials, and travails. Having your daughter, adopting her, what experiences did that teach you about family that you never expected?

I had to figure things out myself growing up. My parents, and they were a different culture, they had no clue what it was like being raised, going to schools in America, or having these relationships.

And my mother just taught me no sex before marriage. Well, these things, my growing up and figuring it out myself. It gave me some sort of wisdom to give to my daughter so she doesn't have to figure it out. So, I told her right off the bat, I said, listen, I don't care who you marry. I don't care what sex they are, what color they are, how old they are, how rich they are.

Nothing. I don't care. The person needs to have one asset, one requirement. And that is not only to allow you to do what you want to do, but to be right there and support you at it. And she said, well, dad is a high bar to top because my husband, I could say, oh, I want to hang naked on the chandelier and the lobby of the Ritz, who would say, what time would you like me to take you?

Boy, did she pick the right guy. So, it was like, I was able to kind of guide her because of things I discovered along the way. 

That's wonderful. I want to talk about coincidence and an American culture that's There's sort of this underlying current to pooh pooh coincidence, like, oh, that happened, or, yeah, oh, that's odd, but it happened, okay, never mind, and move on.

And there's a wonderful series of books called the Maisie Dobbs series, and one of the main characters says, coincidence is a messenger of truth, and I've never forgotten that. There's a way that in Western culture, I'm talking about American culture, where we resist that kind of talking or that serendipity when things become a pattern.

Someone you haven't seen many years, you're thinking about them and next thing you know they're on the phone, hey I'm in town, let's get together and you think, oh that's nice, that that just happened. Or These things happen, and then when they happen frequently, something is going on. And so, this notion of coincidence, it seems like you're intimately connected with that.

Will you speak to that? The idea that coincidence is something almost like a, a cosmic compass, if you will.

You're so right on. But, you know, Pat, it's changing, the scientists are getting interested, which we can talk about later. Okay, so this divine intelligence. that I speak up communicates with and we communicate with it.

Okay. So we communicate through prayer and gratitude and it communicates with us in very many clever ways. Okay. There are dreams. It could be a stranger that you meet that says exactly what you need to hear, or it puts these coincidences. on our path as nudges because this [divine intelligence wants us to be happy and find our true purpose.

And so, nudges, but it was when I discovered that when I did not want to write the book, I'll tell you, I, I, you know, I'm a people person. There's no way I want to sequester myself and write a book. I mean, just the idea. In 2011, I reconnected with a childhood friend, and I told her my latest miracle. And she said, like so many others, Oh, these things only happen to you.

But something clicked. And I sat down and I listed all the miracles that happened since I was 19. And I discovered that each one was preempted by But the coincidence, I took action on it, and I can give you an example. I took action on it. And then it became the miracle. Had I let it go, it would just be a coincidence.

So this consciousness, all these messages, all of this communication happens to consciousness. So, I'm going to distinguish between a mere coincidence and a meaningful coincidence or a synchronous. Okay. So just today I was writing. And I wrote the word trajectory and exactly at that instant that I was typing trajectory, somebody on the TV said the word trajectory.

It's not like a common word like weather or whatever. And I'm like, wow, it's amazing of all the words in the English language. I mean, look at that, but so what? There's no meaning to it. So, I'm going to tell you, one of two stories that happened, just before my wedding.

Now that they gave me exactly both events gave me exactly what I needed for my wedding. Okay. And this will illustrate this perfectly. Okay, so I call my friend, Anne, and a man answers, it's not her husband. And I said, Is Anne there? And this guy goes, uh, Sophia, Sophia, it's me, Jerry. You called me.

Sophia: Uh, listen, I'm late for a meeting. Can I call you back later? And I'm like, Jerry? Because of his accent, I recognized him, but I couldn't believe it. I am dialing a number and I get somebody else that I know, and he recognizes my voice. I mean, I couldn't believe it. And so, I said, Harry, you have to call me back.

You promised me. And he says, I promise. So I said, before you go, what's your number? I had Miss dialed the last digit. Okay. So at the time, and so Frank and I decided to get married on 4th of July, and the date for the wedding was 4th of October. That was three months, all the venues were taken.

I don't care. I mean, we're gonna do it somehow. So Jerry calls and at the time he owned, this hotel, maybe. Five years duration. He owned the Barkley Hotel here in Philadelphia, which is this grand old, beautiful hotel. And as a result of that connection, he gave us the ballroom for free and kicked in the presidential suite for two nights.

Oh my god. So, that is a meaningful coincidence, but I couldn't let it go. I said, you must call me. That was the action I took to cement this connection. Okay, I'm going to tell you the next one, and you can tell me which one you think is odder.

Okay, so I get a call from this woman who says, I found your Driver's license and my driver's license was from Oregon. She had to do some research and she said, how can I get it to you? We figured out that she only lived two blocks away. I said, just put it under my mail slot. She wrote a very nice note about how Oregon she, as she would go every year with her boyfriend, 'cause they loved Oregon.

Great. 2 months later, same woman calls me and says, I know you're going to find this a little strange, but I just found your ATM card. Now I don't lose cards and I would go to this ATM machine that would spit it out, right away. But I had gone to another one that kept it.

And then at the end says, would you like another transaction? And I just walked away because. I thought I had the card. So somebody could have come and wiped out my, you know, but it was her and she gets the card and she said, should I? Put it in your mail slot. Oh, we have to meet. You and I have to meet.

Come to my studio. I had this handmade bar of soap from Oregon to give to thank her. And she was this beautiful young woman. She happened to be a concert violinist. And as a result of that meeting, She got her friend who played the classical guitar to play my favorite concerto, Concierto de Aranjuez, and then I walked down the aisle.


Okay, so you see, it would have been so easy to say to Jerry, Oh, you don't have to call me back. This was an accident. It was wild. But, , I have nothing to talk to you about. And when she said, can I put it under the mail slot? Yeah. Wow, how wild is this? Yeah, just put it in the mail slot.

So, this is what I'm saying is when it seems bigger than you, just go with it. 


But you know what you're pointing out also. Now, as an artist, I use nails, glues, epoxies. Epoxy is an adhesive that is two part. It has the epoxy and the hardener. If you squeeze out the epoxy, it's just goopy. It's goopy, it's a mess.

It won't adhere anything. The second you add the hardener, you've got about five minutes, you'll start to see the chemical change in its makeup, and you know when to apply it to both surfaces. and within five minutes the surfaces are, you can't pull them apart. Now, what you're suggesting, Sophia, is that coincidence isn't this isolated phenomenon, it is a two part epoxy, a cosmic epoxy that's saying, okay, I'm giving you the first half, It's up to you to add the second. 

These coincidences aren't just benign like, oh, isn't that nice? Universe is saying, pay attention. There's something here for you.  

Exactly. Exactly. My mother always used to say, Oh, did I tell you?

Sorry. Did I tell you about the dry drowning man? I said mama, you've told me it like 20, 000 times. Well, let me tell you about the drowning man. And she said this guy's drowning. And it's screaming, help me, God, help me, God. And God says, yes, I'll help you, but move your arms a little bit too. So, we can't just wait for this miracle.

It's there. And then we take action, and then we co create.

So what you're saying, Sophia. Life is not a spectator sport. Is that what you're saying?

Well, it, is and it isn't. Because from my experiences, I have asked, and I have received, and then I have received when I haven't asked.

 So, it goes both ways. Yeah, wait. And, so I, two things happened. This is the second book, the, consciousness beyond death. So these two things happen after the book is published, which I'd love to share with you. Okay. So there are 2 communications that happened. And what's so interesting is that, I knew that scientists were studying consciousness.

I had no idea that they were also studying coincidence. They are catching up. Things are changing. And then there was the scientists that were interested in my first book about coincidence, but they didn't want to touch the second book with a 10-foot pole. Oh, they can write about NDEs, near death experiences because they've been studied for decades.

But. This after death stuff. You come back and you report, right? This is what happened to me. But when you're dead, you're dead. There's no reporting back. It's just the person that received it. You're counting on their anecdotal story, right? 


Well, lucky for me, just before the second book was published, a new field of study emerged.

ADC, After Death Communication, and now all the scientists are interested in the second book. It's pretty unbelievable.

I read that book and each of those stories were very, very compelling. So I'm not surprised that the book is gathering that kind of attention. 

Those stories were amazing. 

Yes, and so are the ones that I'm going to tell you about. this, group of, esteemed scientists, it's called the, Scientific and Medical Network, which is amazing out of the UK. They invited me to be part of their group and I'm the only nonscientist academic on the group, so now I see that they need me as much as I need them, , they need me like their research validates my experiences, my experiences validate their research.

It's kind of like, look at this little lady here, she's a nobody. But these things are that we're studying are happening to her. So it's symbiotic. And they invited me to be part of the, Synchronicity Summit. And I was a panelist, and it was so well received that they, published a book of essays, of these scientists.

The book is called The Playful Universe. And a lot of their essays was, Oh, I was a nonbeliever, but God, these experiences transformed me. And they talk about spiritual paths, so these two things happened since the book was published. I told my eye surgeon about the second book. 

One story is, unsolicited, spontaneous intervention, and the other one I asked and I received. The eye surgeon says, I have a story for you. I said, okay, go ahead. She said, I had to go to a gala with my husband and I did not want to go to this gala.

I was dead tired. The day was full of these surgeries, and I just didn't want to go. But we had to go to the gout and afterwards she goes, I had to take the babysitter home because my husband's rule is to be never alone with a female babysitter. On the way back, I heard my grandmother scream, Wake up!

I came to and I was heading into a brick wall, and she had just the right amount of time to slam on the brakes. But this coming to implies that she was asleep at the wheel. She was not conscious. So how this communication was transmitted. Was it a dream? But it was the timing.

It's the timing that gives it the full, awe inspiring, reaction here. Okay. 


So about four months ago, one of my closest and dearest friends died of a heart attack. This woman was this. Amazing, global person. She was, she was of East Indian descent, raised in South Africa.

Her brothers were in Australia, so she would visit there. Undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh. PhD at the University of Pennsylvania. Just, she knew all these ambassadors and, one time she came here, and she took me to New York to visit her friend Gloria Steinem. 

She was one of these people. There was no doubt in my head that I was going to grow old and die with her, Yeah. Well, I did do this part, but I, just couldn't believe it. So about a month ago, I'm walking down the street thinking, and I found myself saying, you know, Pushpa, If there's anyone who's going to give me a sign, it's to you.

I said, maybe it's too soon, but when you're ready, you have to give me a sign. The very next morning, I swear to you, I got a Facebook friend request from her. Rare, but I have had friend requests from people who are already my friends on Facebook. Like somebody's trying to hack into my account or something.



But over 500 friends of all these people, it's Pushpa who's going to hack my account. I mean, it's just bigger than you.

Yes, it is. What strikes me is that you started out being an architect wanting to design and build beautiful buildings, but in the trajectory of your life, you've become an architect of consciousness.

You've created structures for people to enter. with your stories, your books, your life, where they can come in and look at the beauty of that divine consciousness. You can't take the architect out of somebody. You will always be, I'm a sculptor. You will always build. I don't care what you're doing. You will always build.

And you've built this beautiful edifice of opening. 

And I will tell you, if there is one thing That I would like your audience to take away from this. Yeah. Is that I am not special. I am not a guru or a saint. And yet I had the good fortune of being trained from a child. I have an open mind to communicate with unseen beings to be open.

And so these amazing, extraordinary events. Happen to an ordinary woman. I guess the takeaway is that these miracles are accessible to everyone. It's just, I've had so many people say, well, these things don't happen to me. And when we start talking about, well, how did you meet your husband? Oh, well, I took a different way down the street. 

And then this guy just bumped into me and, Oh, well, how about that? Yeah. It's, amazing. If you just sit back and think about, You know what brought you to this career? What brought you to this person? It's or what, prevented you from cataclysm? What prevented us from being in one of those huts going down the mudslide?

You know, the venue from which this is communicated is not through the brain. It's through intuition, . And so, when you go, Oh wow, something told me to wake up and go to this man's house, you know, the first I told you.

And I went and I got the answer. Okay, then it's like you start trusting this little inner voice more and then it happens again and again you get the gift and then you get to a point, and I write in my book there's I have three levels of spiritual of a spiritual journey okay so the first level where a lot of people are is from the perspective of wish thinking.

Oh, I wish I could be an architect, but you , keep on being a waitress. Or whatever. And, then another, coincidence would happen to, and you go, Oh God, that's such a coincidence. Ooh, this architecture school that, and you keep being a waitress. Second level.

It's from the perspective of hope. Okay. You get the coincidence, you recognize it and you go, okay, do it. I'm going to take action. Hope. that something happens. But then the third level is the position of faith. And so, when you're , in that level of faith, and you now trust your intuition, and you just do it, you get to a point where you don't worry.

If you are wishing for something, and you don't get it, well, c'est la vie. It's, not meant to be. It's, it's saving you from something. And so you just live your life. In God we trust. I guess that's what I'll leave it at. In God we trust. 

I would like just to add a little postscript to that beautiful explanation. 

It seems there's one key ingredient in everything you've said. And that is gratitude. It's the lens by which people look at the world. If you don't have gratitude, all of a sudden you get out the measuring tape and everything that happens, what's in it for me, or that doesn't matter.

But when you're grateful and you have that joy of gratitude, It opens up everything. 

Sophia: I am so glad you brought that up. I'm so glad. In the first book, since it's a memoir, the events are pretty much chronological, but there's two chapters that are not, okay? One is titled Please, which is about prayer, and the other one is titled Thank You, which is about gratitude, and those events are thematic.

But I would say gratitude is the highest form of prayer. Yes. Because so every time I listen, I don't even need for some miraculous event to happen to say thank you. I look outside and I see these trees, and I'm like, how does it work? How can I have such delicious Root. How can I, how is it that we're given, we were given everything, and humans screw it up.

And can you imagine if everyone said thank you and we would be gifted with No war. No, it's human will that does it. It's human will and you are so right on. I'm so glad you brought that up. You know, and that's why I don't want to come back. I don't want, reincarnation.

You don't want to come back to something? 

I'm done. No, I, and I think that because I found my true purpose of helping others, God is granting this to me because some of the things that happened in ways to help others are just, Unbelievable how things happened and, and I took action and did help people.

And I think I just don't know where the earth is going and I'm just so thankful that of my life. People in my life and, and I wish this happiness for everyone who's listening. 

Sophia, where can listeners find your books? Where do they go?

Lots of bookstores, even Walmart has my books, but a lot of, Amazon, you can go on my website, sophiademas. com. Yeah, and the second book is also in audio. 

Well, Sophia, this conversation has been wonderfully eye opening. You've taken us on a journey from coincidences to cosmic connections, from signs to synchronicities, and even beyond death itself.

Thank you for sharing your stories, your wisdom, and for reminding us to stay open to those little nudges from the universe, and trust That there's always so much more beneath the surface. Sophia, thank you for coming on Fill To Capacity. Thank you 

And Pat, thank you for having this platform  to send out the message.

Sophia: Thank you. 


Oh My pleasure. And listeners if you've enjoyed today's podcast, please tell your friends or subscribe Take care. Thank you. Bye

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